Singing lessons

Maria prepares young singers to enter the singing courses in the Conservatory, but also amateur singers who sing in a choir and want to improve their singing technique.

She gives lessons to all ages and all levels: the artistic goals are the same for all her students! The time necessary to achieve each of the skills will depend on the student's learning capacity and their motivation. Special attention is given to those who want to discover their voice, the discovery of a new talent!


All kinds of music singing styles are taught by Maria: pop, musical and classical, since, in spite of the different voice registers used for each style, the technique to be trained will be the same!

Maria gives individual or group vocal lessons: she works regularly with choirs as a vocal coach.

Her singing lessons have a special way of combining the physical activity with the musical, artistic and expressive skills.

An important goal is the development of the "soloist" skill. For that Maria organises student concert every year, where the students can practice and enjoy the possibility of performing solo pieces in front of an audience. Maria also runs workshops focussed on performance techniques.



Maria Alves is active with Online Singing Coaching: Online Singing lessons and Online Group Rehearsals.

On-line has now become an integral part of Maria Alves’s daily work.